🌷 No rain no flowers 🌷


Such a metaphor for life. And in this particular case, the life of an independent author. It’s said that only 1 in 6,000 writers land a literary agent for their manuscript. And only 1% secure a publishing deal. For the rest, how many then go on, hearts broken, egos bruised, locking years of work away in a dusty old drawer never to be seen again? Talk about depressing 🫠


I bet you didn’t know… I was close to letting that be Cider Mill Coven’s endgame. My pathway to publishing wasn’t linear. Far from it. But if I had let the lows keep me down I would have missed out on so much goodness and magic. My book tour, my fans, all of the new friendships this coven has brought into my life…


It’s no joke when I tell you that gate keeping in this industry is a real thing. And it comes at the expense of the beautifully crafted stories that deserve to be told. And the readers who would surely love those stories, given the chance.

So this post is for you: indie authors everywhere. The ones who’ve felt the crushing weight of rejection and self doubt but still made the conscious choice to rise above and “hex the naysayers.” Here’s to you for trusting that you – your very own Coven of One – is enough to get you where you need to go. For realizing that no one single person is going to work harder and advocate stronger for your work than YOU. So I say, let it rain. Let it fucking pour. You are resilient. Look how far you’ve already made it. Whether it’s the first chapter or the last. You’re about to bloom, baby. You just gotta take it all the way. Do you realize, only 3% of people who set out to write a book actually finish it? Of those, 80% will never see it though to be published. But not you. Nah-uh. Nothing’s gonna prevent you from ending up where you were destined to be all along.

no rain, no flowers - an ode to indie authors and the readers who support us

Don't you dare forget that we all deserve a seat at the table... and a place on the shelf.

Vanessa Abigail Lambert, Author of Cider Mill Coven Tweet

And to you, the readers who support us. We couldn’t exist without you. Thank you for allowing us to chase our dreams, to write stories that give us life and to not become hopeless, starving artists in the process 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

Cider Mill Coven Hardcover Witchy Book

Get Lost in the Magic

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Vanessa A Lambert

Vanessa A Lambert

Author of Cider Mill Coven / Founder of Coven of One Publishing